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Painlessly outline and organize your course content.

Course Builder HQ

A Notion template designed especially for Ambitious Entrepreneurs who are ready to turn their expertise into a course and need a way to outline and organize their learning content.



Course Builder HQ is perfect for you if...

⭐️ You value being organized

👩‍💻 You want all your curriculum to be in one place

⚙️ You want a systematic way of keeping track of all the moving parts of course creation

Happy Business Owner
frustrated business owner

Say goodbye to a thousand and one Google docs ...

My number one frustration when I was creating my course-based membership was having having all of my lesson plans and resources spread throughout my Google drive.

I needed a way to see modules, lessons, tasks, and resources all in one place-with the ability to sort my to do list by status and due date.

That's why I created Course Builder HQ. A simple, but powerful way to organize and access my curriculum so that all of the things that need to get done can exist in Notion and not take up unnecessary space in my brain.

Inside Course Builder HQ ...

You'll be able to:

  • Outline and organize your course content in one place

  • Define your major course planning milestones

  • Outline and organize your modules and lessons

  • Plan your lessons and lesson resources

  • Assign start dates and due dates

  • Update and organize your to do list by status

...but most of all, you'll be able to painlessly and efficiently plan your course.

Erica Nash

Hey friend!

My name is Erica and I I create brand identities and build courses and group programs for ambitious business owners.


I’ve spent the last 15 years learning a variety of skills to support people who are making an impact and now I’m sharing everything I’ve learned about creativity, strategy, and Ambitious Entrepreneurs.

Kind Words from Incredible Clients

Julia Taylor - Headshot

"The new WP Rockstar curriculum is something I'm incredibly proud of and I know it will serve my students incredibly well. It's everything I wish I'd had when I first got started.

[If you're on the fence about working with Erica,] take the plunge. Yes, it's intimidating trusting your course with someone who doesn't know the ins and outs like you do... yes, it's scary investing financially into something you could technically do yourself. Ignore those voices and instead, trust the expert. Trust the professional. Trust yourself to know that by handing off the curriculum development to Erica, you are ensuring an end result you could have never dreamed of.

Julia Taylor
CEO and Founder of GeekPack®
Creator of WP Rockstar

Ready to get organized with Course Builder HQ?



Painlessly plan and organize your course.

  • Outline and organize your course content in one place

  • Define your major course planning milestones

  • Outline and organize your modules and lessons

  • Plan your lessons and lesson resources

  • Assign start dates and due dates

  • Update and organize your to do list by status

You might have some questions.

Do I need a Notion subscription to use Course Builder HQ? Nope! Course Builder HQ will work perfectly with the free plan.

Can I use Course Builder HQ if I don't know how to use Notion? Course Builder HQ was developed with a Notion user in mind. There is a short Loom video to walk users through using the template, but it does not teach users how to use Notion. However, Notion is pretty simple to pick up and there isn't anything advanced in Course Builder HQ, so it's likely beginners will be able to use it successfully.

Will Course Builder HQ work for all kinds of courses? Yes! Any topic, any length. I even use it for my own course-based membership!

Are there any sample course outlines or pre-built templates included? No, but the walk through includes a preview of how I've used Course Builder HQ in my membership.

Is there a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the template? There are no refunds for Course Builder HQ, but if you find that you're having trouble using the template, please reach out!

Ready to get organized?

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