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Boost Engagement.

Retain more members.

Scale sustainably.

The power boost your membership needs for unstoppable success.

You’re sitting on a goldmine of insights within your membership that could unlock higher retention, more conversions, and quicker wins for your members. The problem? Most membership founders never fully tap into it.

I'm here to change that.

I help you find out what’s working (so we can use it to get you more members) and what’s not (so we can fix it and you can keep more members.)

Success ⚡️ Supercharge is a 5-week process where I dive deep into your program’s data, content, and members' feedback to uncover what’s driving success—and where the opportunities lie to increase retention, engagement, and profitability.

Together We'll Create:

  • Solid, targeted testimonials to use in your marketing

  • Quicker wins for members, leading to superfans and future buyers

  • Targeted copy that speaks to your members' needs

  • Increased potential for retention + referrals—keep members coming back

  • Clarity on program gaps and how to close them to improve completion rates

  • Fewer refund requests and happier members

  • New income opportunities backed by data

  • Sustainable scaling so you can grow without burning out

How it Works:

This isn’t just a one-size-fits-all audit. Success ⚡️ Supercharge is custom-tailored to your membership, with detailed insights and actionable steps.

This is a 5 week process … 23 business days, to be exact.

Week 1:

  • We’ll kick things off by aligning on your business goals. I’ll guide you through my Strategic Program Analysis Workbook to gather essential information.

  • Together, we’ll select 10 members for 1:1 interviews.


Weeks 2-3:

  • I’ll conduct 1:1 member interviews and distribute a mass survey to your community. Simultaneously, I’ll analyze your program’s content and video analytics for trends and insights.


Weeks 4-5:

  • I'll compile all findings into a comprehensive analysis. We'll meet for a 2-hour debrief where I’ll share key takeaways and actionable recommendations for improvement.


You’ll leave with a clear action plan to start improving engagement, retention, and member satisfaction immediately.

Want to see if Success Supercharge is right for you?

The Tools We'll Use:

  • Strategic Program Analysis Workbook

  • Content + Video Analysis

  • Member Survey with results spreadsheet + graphs

  • 1:1 Member Interviews (10) with recordings and notes

  • Findings report/slide deck

  • Program Recommendations

  • Marketing Quotes and Stats

  • 2-hour debrief and recording

  • Post-analysis check in

When your members are happy and successful, your membership thrives.

Take it From My Clients

“…So helpful, so beneficial, so transformative … She was the perfect partner in crime for me to take Web Designer Pro™ to the next level.”

Josh Hall, Founder of Web Designer Pro™

I also got to see Josh implement some of the recommendations live with his members, and let me tell you, they were beyond excited and moved by his willingness to take their feedback into consideration and take real action. I got to see him create lifetime buyers in real time.

Are you ready to do the same?

Boost Engagement. Retain More Members. Scale Sustainably.

Shannon Mattern Headshot.png
"What Erica brings to the program is like nothing I ever even realized that I needed. The way that she goes about making decisions and gathering data and thinking about the full picture of the business combined with the students and student results. She really takes a holistic view of all of the pieces when making recommendations and making data driven decisions.
Erica is amazing. She is such an asset to our program and would be an asset to any program that is as committed to their clients' success as we are.”
Web Designer Academy

Still have questions?

Why Should I Trust You to Do This? That’s a valid question! Hi! If you don’t know me, my name is Erica and I have spent my life helping people learn. I have more than a decade of experience teaching, developing curriculum, and analyzing educational data. I have worked with some incredible coaches and membership founders who have seen some amazing outcomes as a result of our work together. I truly believe that education has the power to change lives. I want nothing more than for your online program to be successful so that both you and your members can live out the life you dream of.

What Does the Success Supercharge Process Involve? You have three primary responsibilities during the Success Supercharge process. 1. Provide information about your program 2. Get me in touch with 10 of your active members 3. Share or allow me to share the community survey I'll be reviewing the information you provided, the feedback and data from your members, and your content and video analytics for analysis. We will meet when the analysis is complete for a 2-hour debrief, which covers the findings and offers some next steps.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect? At the end of the 5 week process, you’re likely to feel confident in your program and the direction it’s heading. You’ll feel clarity about the areas that are killing it and about the gaps and opportunities for improvement. You’ll have solid data from your members about their experience in your program. You’ll have copy for marketing. You’ll have some solid next steps to implement so that you’re that much closer to your goals.

How Customized Is the Service? Success Supercharge is tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities of each client. I take the time to understand your business’s unique context, goals, and pain points before conducting the analysis. The workbook, community survey, client interviews, and findings report are all custom to your program.

What Happens After the Success Supercharge? I’ll check in one week after the analysis is complete to see if you need to chat about anything now that you’ve had time to process it or if you need support with implementation. You’re not left to take the next steps alone if you don’t want to do that.

How Will This Impact My Current Operations? This process is designed to be minimally disruptive. Once you complete the Strategic Program Analysis workbook, your part is pretty much complete until we meet at the end of week 5. We will plan to spend 2 hours together to go through the findings. All in all, I estimate you’ll spend 5-7 hours on this project over the 5 week period.

How Will You Identify Opportunities for Improvement? Data! That’s the short and simple answer. The data and feedback we receive from your audience will provide so much insight. Then, when we put that into alignment with your goals, we will come up with solutions that close those gaps, giving you the opportunity to boost engagement, achieve above-average results, and create lifetime fans.

How Do You Ensure Confidentiality? Your proprietary information will remain safe throughout our time working together and in perpetuity. This is bound by a clause in my contract. I highly value integrity and will not ever share information that you have not given me permission to share.

How Will This Help Me Scale? Success Supercharge ties directly into scaling your business by identifying opportunities for automation or more efficient processes, optimizing client journeys, and enhancing your program’s value proposition. We’re going to look at your business and your life as an ecosystem. How can they coexist and thrive? The suggested improvements should enable you to serve more clients effectively without burning out.

What Are the Costs Involved? Success Supercharge is $5,000 USD. There are payment plans available. As Josh said, “I have no doubt this will be a return on investment for me for years and years and years to come.”

Let’s tap into your greatest resource and take your membership to the next level.

Julia Taylor - Headshot

"The new WP Rockstar curriculum is something I'm incredibly proud of and I know it will serve my students incredibly well. It's everything I wish I'd had when I first got started.

[If you're on the fence about working with Erica,] take the plunge. Yes, it's intimidating trusting your course with someone who doesn't know the ins and outs like you do... yes, it's scary investing financially into something you could technically do yourself. Ignore those voices and instead, trust the expert. Trust the professional. Trust yourself to know that by handing off the curriculum development to Erica, you are ensuring an end result you could have never dreamed of.

Julia Taylor
CEO and Founder of GeekPack®
Creator of WP Rockstar
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